Is your life characterized
and struggle?

Or by
and flow?

Raise Your Hand if You...

  • Are tired of working hard to create different and better in your life while things seem to be barely changing if at all
  • Have big dreams but just don’t know how to make them come to life and are tired of your life and what you're attracting just feeling 'meh'
  • Struggle with day-to-day decision making 
  • Are done chasing the dream partner, job you love, and financial freedom that always feels out of reach (or that you can never seem to attract)
  • Feel tired and even burned out with little of what you’d deem ‘worth it’ to show for it
  • Wonder how some people continually “manifest” amazing things but despite all your attempts, you haven’t seemed to gotten very far, let alone figured out a process that works for you consistently
  • Arebliving with an overall energy of discouragement, stress, exhaustion, and confusion.
  • Have been majorly settling and completely done and over it

When instead you’d rather be…

  • Creating what you want while living in a way that feels high-vibe, easeful, and flowy
  • Seeing your dreams start to manifest and blown away at how they're even better than you imagined
  • Living with clarity, direction, and actual results + movement towards bringing your dreams to life
  • Attracting an abundance of love, money, success, fun, and things that bring you joy and fulfillment
  • Feeling overall energized because you’re so excited about the amazing things that seem to keep happening and the way life seems to be ‘magical’
  • Confident in a manifestation practice that works for you and supports you in calling in everything you desire
  • Living a life characterized by joy, excitement, abundance, gratitude, ease, flow, and awe.


Stop the Struggle & Embrace Easy

Stop the Struggle is an 8 week program where I teach you how to manifest, so you can become a magnet for what you want and ditch effort for ease.

The difference between chasing and attracting comes down to energy -

which is what manifestation is all about.

When you know how to manifest, you take out so much of the stress and struggle that comes with making things happen in the 3D world by instead attracting through your energy... the money, partner, job, home, whatever your heart desires, in so much more of an easeful, enjoyable, high-vibe way.

Think trying to chase down a puppy to put it in its crate vs. drawing it in with its favorite treat. 

One is torture, the other is way less effort and even a bit fun!

If you want to call in the amazing things you’ve been dreaming of your whole life, knowing how to actually manifest is where it’s at, and what’s going to have you not just calling in what you want, but enjoying the journey too.

So What Exactly Is It?

A Course Where You'll Learn:

  • My signature 7-step Manifestation Process which teaches you how manifestation *actually works* and how to do it (not just tiktok methods that might work sometimes but not consistently because they're not teaching you how it all actually works)
  • Important pieces of manifestation that many people miss and you might be as well - like embodiment, trauma, and nervous system regulation, and subconscious rewiring
  • What some or many of your blocks are and ways you can work through them
  • The science behind manifestation
  • The foundations and main principles that make up my manifestation mindset that have made such huge transformations in myself, my life, and my client’s as well
  • And so much more!

The Details:

  • 8 weeks/modules - Modules 1-7 are my 7 steps to Manifestation, Module 8 is Embodiment + Quantum Leaping!
  • This first round you get 1 LIVE group coaching call each week with me (45-90 minutes)
  • Week 1 - Thurs July 27 1pm PST/4pm PST
  • Week 2 - Weds Aug 2 - 5pm PST/8pm EST
  • Week 3 - Weds Aug 9 - 5pm PST/8pm EST
  • Week 4 - Tues Aug 13 - 4pm PST/7pm EST
  • Homework for each week
  • Live Q&As
  • Accountability and like-minded peers you can connect with


I used to believe life had to be hard.

It's the narrative we're taught.

To expect hardship and blocks.

To need to work ourselves into the ground to be successful.

That we just don't always get what we want.

That we need to be realistic and reasonable.

And to believe nothing good comes easy.

No pain, no gain; right?

Do I work hard? Yes.

Do hard or bad things completely outside our control happen in life? Sometimes.

But do we often make things way, way harder then they need to be? Absolutely.

Until I learned how to manifest, I was going about life expecting and creating way more struggle than I needed. Partly because of my mindset, and partly because I didn't know how to magnetize what I wanted to me through energy.

And when I finally learned?

-Clarity replaced Confusion.

-Inspired Action replaced Spinning my Wheels.

-Ease + Flow replaced Struggle and Striving.

-A Vibration of Joy, Excitement, and Magic replaced my normal Tired, Disillusioned, and Discouraged.

-I started to experience more and more awe at how amazing life got to be.

And to top it all off, things started feeling SO much better than they ever did, and my life started to flow more than ever. I started to magnetize everything I seemed to be pushing away ore blocking most of my life quickly and easily... while actually enjoying the journey.

It all comes down to knowing how to attract through energy. Our world is made up of 99.99999% energy, but most of us, instead of using it to our advantage to magnetize our desires to us, were taught, at best, to struggle in the 3D world to bring them about. And it's so much longer, harder, and exhausting.

At worst, we were taught to give up on our dreams, to pare them down and 'be realistic'. Aka settle.

And it's just not the vibe.

Because when you know how to become a match for what you want, you can call in anything your heart desires.
And it has to flow to you.
And usually does through the easiest, fastest path possible, with little to no effort needed on your part, just inspired action.

And when you start living that way? Life gets pretty magical.

Stop the Struggle IS for you if… 

  • You are ready to call in your deep dreams and desires, clear out any blocks that have been holding you back, and step into the next level version of you.
  • You are willing to step into a new version of yourself and shed anything that isn’t in alignment.
  • You’re tired of googling and trying to figure out how to actually manifest and want someone to break it down simply and effectively.
  • You’re not ready to invest in 1:1 coaching yet but you know you need help!
  • You’re tired of chasing and are ready to truly attract your desires
  • You’re ready for your day-to-day life to have an energy of ease and flow instead of burnout and struggle.
  • You are looking to connect with like-minded individuals on a similar journey to call in more love, money, success, inner peace, and joy.
  • You're ready to have the universe blow your mind with how truly amazing life can actually be.

Stop the Struggle IS NOT for you if…

  • You’re not willing to do the inner work to create ease in your external world.
  • You don’t have a minimum of an hour each week to devote the course homework.
  • You’re not willing to try new things, be open-minded, or take inspired towards your desires.
  • You refuse to give up the limiting beliefs and habits holding you back.
  • Are looking for someone to ‘fix’ you or do you work for you - this work is work! It’s work that is different and has a much different energy that the work you’re used to, and it honestly has become a joy for me and many of my clients, but it’s active, and will require you to get deep and make big shifts!
  • You don’t see this as an investment but rather as an expense.
  • You’re expecting results without doing the work.
  • You’re already an expert at manifestation.
  • You are unwilling to believe manifestation works or that life can be magical and amazing.

Are you ready

to Stop the Struggle?

To create ease and flow in your life?

Step more into your power and become your most magnetic self?

And learn how to create the life of your dreams, that isn't just full of amazing things, but feels amazing?

Then you're in the right place.

Choose a Pricing Option


  • How long will each module take to complete? Each Lesson will be 45 minutes to an hour and a half.
  • How much time should I expect to dedicate to the homework each week? Most will require about 30 minutes to an hour. 
  • I don’t know anything about manifestation. Am I a good fit for this course? Yes, I explain the science behind it and how it works - you don’t need to know anything, but if you do, it will build on it.
  • Do I get 1:1 coaching with Stop the Struggle? During this first launch, you will get direct access to me during the live recorded trainings! However you won’t get 1:1 calls with me. You do get a special discount for 1:1 coaching with me after completing though!
  • When are the calls? The dates are listed above in the block that starts off: "So What Exactly Is It" in the Details section and will be added weekly before the next call!
  • Can’t I just learn through books or googling how to manifest? You could, but wouldn’t you rather skip the struggle (and loads of incomplete or incorrect information out there) and learn what actually works from an expert who compiled it all in one place for you? Taking this course will help you avoid so much lost time, confusion, piecing things together, and potentially big mistakes from not understanding how things work together or how to personalize them to you!
  • Why should I join now? While I will be opening the doors and launching again in the fall, the prices I’m offering this first launch are much lower than they will be, plus you get live access to me during the trainings this first go-around! You get to ask me questions live as well as hear other’s questions and my answers to them - access that I’d charge much more for in a group or 1:1 coaching program!